Introducing the exciting Essential STEM range for 2025
The S.T.E.M. acronym has been embraced by the toy community since its creation over 20 years ago. Referred to on occasion as stealth education, STEM encourages learning through play. It has proven to be entirely welcome sector for inventors, suppliers and buyers.
Even before STEM was a “thing” we had been innovating in this space, and continue to do so. For well over a decade, we have had one of the most diverse STEM offerings, covering all manner of curriculum subjects. Our products are able to turn what is often thought of as mundane into entertaining, engaging, intriguing and essential kits that are enjoyed by kids, admired by adults and favoured by educators.
We launched our ‘in-house’ designed Essential STEM range in 2022, and have continued to add to this hugely successful brand, with best-selling products hitting the market every year since its inception. Our credo is ‘When we are designing new products, we envision a world in which everyone loves to learn, and we want to provide the toys and tools that enable and encourage that love of learning. Of course, quality is an important consideration, and something we have become known for, but most of all we want our products to be fun to engage with.’
The Essential STEM range has a distinctive sleek look, with a sleek modern inspired style. The designs often centre on our company logo, incorporating it in various ways across the products. This approach has really helped to draw the attention of the ever-growing Kidult audience. The Plasma Ball and Planetarium, in particular, have proven to sell really well and there are some incredible brand-new arrivals for 2025 with real shelf-appeal!
First up we have the TK Telescope, an absolute must-have for anyone interested in astronomy! This telescopic set-up lets you see the Moon and its craters in detail and investigate Mars, Saturn & Jupiter as well! We always try to make sure our products really teach something in a deliberate way. With a telescope, that means creating the sandbox for an open-ended learning experience whilst ensuring that technological requirements really engage and hold interest.
The next release will be the desktop TK Microscope for examining the smallest of details on microscopic items. This high-quality student microscope will include a universal smartphone adapter, allowing a phone camera to capture photos and videos of any observations that are made. The kit includes three prepared slides within the 45-piece accessory set.
Essential STEM Press Release