EXIT The Venice Conspiracy

As an employee of the Italian secret service, you are no stranger to mysterious documents and tricky cases — though, thus far, you’ve only encountered them from behind your boring old desk. But when you are assigned the Atlantis Beta case, you get a rush of adrenaline.

You finally have the chance to prove yourself out in the field. The fate of the city is in your hands: Can you save Venice from the secret plot to destroy it?
Check out our EXIT range here
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Kosmos Helper App
Would you prefer to have the rules of this game explained to you instead of reading the rulebook? If so, download the Kosmos Helper App. In the app, you can find animated explanations of the instructions and other helpful features for a selection of Kosmos games. Available on iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “Kosmos Helper App” in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.
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“EXIT’s puzzles strike a perfect balance between logic and lateral thinking, and tease as much as they test.”
–Quintin Smith (Shut Up & Sit Down)